Friday, September 5, 2008

A Time for Introductions

My name is Oscar Cole-Arnal, but I go simply by the "nickname" Oz. I have the privilege of being the federal candidate for the New Democratic Party (NDP) in the Kitchener Centre Riding. I do not use the word "privilege" lightly, precisely because in my willingness to accept our Riding Association's nomination I take on the awesome task of representing the only political party in Canada that has stood historically for the non-elite members of our society. Our party is the party of Tommy Douglas, of Agnes MacPhail, the party of farmers, workers and justice advocates from the 1920s to the present. And by accepting the privilege to run under the NDP banner, I take upon myself the responsibility of representing that history with openness and integrity.

Please visit the About Oz page on my website to read more.

Musings from the desk of Oz.
Visit my website at

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