Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Strategic voting

I appeal to all voters of Kitchener Centre to vote for me to join the New Democratic team in Ottawa.

If you are one of the 80% of Canadians that are working harder, for less, if you are a Canadian who is barely able to live on ODSP or Ontario Works, if you are a Canadian whom has lost or is likely to lose a stable reasonably paying job in the manufacturing sector, if you are a senior citizen, if you're a post-secondary student who cannot afford more education without incurring a huge debt load, if you're a minority or new Canadian, then your STRATEGIC VOTE is for Oz Cole-Arnal & the New Democrats.

I came from the U.S., where a vote for either party was a vote for one of two big business parties & I would choose the lesser of two evils. I'm glad to be Canadian where we have a party that is not owned & funded by the elite 10% of the population. Our NDP is that party, the only national party that can make that claim. We are not the party of ruinous trade deals; we opposed them. We are not the party that sells out our companies to the highest bidder. We are the party of the vast majority of Canadians, those "extraordinary" Canadians who just get by, who struggle daily to care for their kids & elderly parents, the single moms who live on crummy minimum wage jobs. I seek your support, because I and my party will fight for & with you against that tiny elite who has sent our resources elsrwhere. I seek your vote on Tuesday, & I thank you in advance.

Musings from the desk of Oz.
Visit my website at http://www.ozcole-arnal.ca

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